Spain Tour Day 15

Our last day in Spain (Day 15) was a sad one. It was raining! There were three scheduled rides to the airport and I was fortunate to be on the last one at 10:30am. My flight was at 2pm. Plenty of time, or so I thought. But first, a late breakfast at the hotel. The last few travelers at the hotel ate together and said our second goodbyes. We all gathered in the lobby awaiting our bus and the Tour Director stopped to say his final goodbye. It was a bit sad I must admit. I could have gone another week. But only after a day or two of rest.

Arriving at the airport, we went our separate ways as we were all flying on different airlines. Fortunately for me, I didn’t have to wait too long at the American Airlines ticket counter, as I checked in at the Priority Line. Membership has its privileges. HA HA!!

Barcelona International Airport

I got through Security pretty quickly.There were two lines, and I was directed to the one on the right. And thank goodness for that. In that line, there were automated boarding pass scanners (just like in the Puerto Vallarta airport) and it was fast! Once I got into the Terminal, it was a wow. Really big, shops everywhere. I mean all kinds of shops, duty free, restaurants. It is a really nice terminal.

Terminal 1 – Barcelona International Airport

Although I did arrive 3 hours before my flight, it was barely enough time. Honestly, I didn’t even have time for the VIP Lounge. The horrors. HA HA!! I did stop at a couple of shops, but looking around I realized I still had to go to Passport Control and I didn’t know how much time that would take and then actually walking to my departure gate. I wanted to use up my last few Euros, but it was not to be.

The international gates are all in one area upstairs. And you have to pass through Passport Control first. So allow sufficient time, that’s for sure. Got through that wth a mininum wait time.There’s one Duty Free shop upstairs and if you want something to eat or drink there is only ONE cafe and the line was very long.So I kept walking. From there you will find several vending machines where they sell sodas, snacks and even sandwiches. You can use cash or credit. I picked up my last Fanta Lemon and a water. As I got closer to my gate there was a young man almost in front of my gate and he asks if I’m headed to Dallas. I said yes, and he asked to see my Boarding Pass. He was clearly an airport and/or Security employee.

Well, just my luck! I had been “randomly” selected for additional security screening. So off we went to the “little room.” He left me there with a uniformed security guard. It was me and one other passenger. Here is where they do that little towelette swab (for explosives, I believe) of all my belongings. My purse, my backpack (inside and out) and even my tablet (which I had to take out of it’s case). He then asked me to remove my sneakers and he swabbed my socks (both feet and my tennies). What a production. But you know, you don’t complain. You play nice, which is what i did.

This is not an actual photo of my Security Screening. They would never allow that!

I was released and given an OK and off I went back to my departure gate (the “little room” was not too far away). By this time, the flight was scheduled to board in 20 minutes. So as you can see, I used up almost my entire 3 hour before departure time and didn’t even get anything to eat or do any shopping. 😭

And the people. Oh my goodness. As with many airlines, American boards by group number. I am always in Group 3 (remember, membership has it’s privileges). HA HA!! Well, there were at least one hundred people already lined up. PEOPLE! It doesn’t matter that you are standing in line for over half an hour (we boarded late), you will NOT be allowed to board until your group is called. So I comfortably sat down and when they started calling the groups, these folks had no other option than to step aside and allow other passengers to board by group number. AY! AY! AY!

So I boarded early, when my group was called. The flight was FULL. And although it was 8 hours from Dallas to Madrid, the pilot announced it would be 10 hours from Barcelona to Dallas. We boarded on time, and pulled back from the gate ON TIME, however, we didn’t take off for another 50 minutes after our scheduled departure. Honestly I fell asleep for a minute (or 2 or 3) and suddenly woke up and looked across the aisle to the window and we were still on the ground!!

Ok, something I have to mention. It was freezing cold on this plane. And I mean freezing. They give you a pillow and blanket wrapped in plastic. I used both. The blanket barely kept me warm enough.The woman next to me was also wrapped up like a burrito. I had jeans, a top and light jacket, and with the blanket, I was still uncomfortably cold. The flight was full, each seat had an individual screen on the seat in front of you so you could watch movies, TV series, etc. I tried to sleep but couldn’t much.

It was so cold on the airplane!

Anyway, on the screen in the front of the plane where our travel is tracked, it looks like we will only arrive 10-15 minutes late. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 1:55pm Barcelona time and arrive in Dallas at 5:52pm. Shortly after take off they served us lunch/dinner. Not bad. I chose the lasagna (over the chicken). The tray also included a small salad, a plastic wrapped roll and separately a small cake/muffin. Also, a small pad of butter and another of cheese and a small packet of crackers. Listen, for airline food it wasn’t bad, and I was hungry. About 6 hours in, they came around with a small container of chocolate ice cream. Nice! I’m not sure we will get another meal, as we will arrive right around dinner time in Dallas. Although it’ll be 1:00am Barcelona time, I think.

Well, we did get another “snack” about an hour before arrival into Dallas. Remember those “hot pocket” sandwiches of long ago? That’s what we got. In a box was a “foldover pizza” sandwich. I picked the chicken one and a cranberry juice. Not bad. Not great. We arrived into Dallas only a few minutes late. It was about 1:15am Barcelona time. Oh my goodness, was I ever tired!

I spent the night in Dallas and caught my next flight to Puerto Vallarta the following day (Monday). It was not too early a flight, I was scheduled to depart at 1pm. Scheduled to land in PV at 2:30pm. I stayed at a small airport hotel, no frills and their shuttle took me to the airport. I was able to have breakfast before I left, as it was included with the room.

When I arrived at the Dallas airport, my flight was delayed by 45 minutes. Forunately, I checked in quickly, got through Security and found the American Admirals Club. That was comfortable and I was able to eat a snack. Finally boarded my flight and we left about an hour late.

That flight was uneventful. Once we landed in Puerto Vallarta, my Mexican passport allows me to go through the Nationals line which is always super fast. It took a bit to get my luggage and the Customs line was very long. Today, they decided that everyone’s bags had to go through the extra x-ray screening, so that always takes time. No worries, no contraband in my luggage or carry-on.

My cousin Marcela from Queretaro who has been cat sitting Lola (thank you very much), picked me up along with her granddaughter, Valentina. They were great companions to my Lola. We went directly home where Lola greeted me rather tentatively. All is well though. Once I fed her and gave her sufficient kisses, she remembered I was her mommy.😻

Lola, at home.
Lola’s babysitters: Valentina & Marcela

The time difference is hard to adjust to. The so-called “jet lag” is real. An 8 hour time difference is no small feat. So I have struggled with when to sleep and when to wake up. This has lasted more than 4 days. I did fit in a manicure and pedicure my second day back home. Hey! I have my priorities. HA HA!!

As I sit here and reflect on this amazing trip, I’d like to share a few memorable pics with you:

My roommate, Soula from Australia, originally from Greece.
My amiga, Maureen from Northern California
And then there’s Marc from Virginia
My amiga, Connie from Southern California
My amiga, Nora (Mexicana) from Maryland
That’s me at Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

And then there’s the food:

Fanta Lemon soda YUM!
Seafood Paella in Salamanca
Grilled Sardines with potatoes and a side salad, Porto, Portugal
Octopus Salad, Obidos, Portugal
Yes, Fritos and an Ice Tea at a Rest Stop in Portugal
Gin Sour, Porto, Portugal
Oysters, Cascais, Portugal
Beef Sirloin & Chips, Lisbon, Portugal
Fish & Chips, Gibraltar
Grilled Octopus, Costa del Sol, Spain
Piña Colada, Torremolinos, Spain
1st Course, Maria´s House, Alfarnatejo, Spain
Bocadillo (sandwich), Rest Stop, Villena, Spain
Strawberry Milk Shake, Peñiscola, Spain
Grilled Salmon, Barcelona, Spain

As you can see, I had a great time. A memorable one, for sure! Would I do it again? To be honest, not alone. I felt a bit insecure walking on those cobblestone streets and there were a few too many stairs and steps for my liking. My weak ankles really took a toll. I came home with really swollen feet and ankles. If I had a good travel friend to help me stay steady on my feet I would do it again. I will say that a couple of my travel buddies on the tour were very helpful assisting this old lady navigate the streets and steps at times. Thank you to the Sullivans and Girolamos, they were so kind to me. As well as Janet from New Zealand who stepped up a couple times, God bless her, as did AnnMaree from Australia.

So, my friends. Thank you for following my journey, it was everything I expected and more. I leave you here with some fun pictures. Until we meet again! Onward!

Day 15: 7,537 steps

There is a story behind these silhouttes of bulls all over the countryside. We were told they were advertisements for a brand of wine. When Spain joined the EU, these highway ads were banned, but so popular, that they were left in place removing any ad language.
“On the Road Again…” on the bus
In Obidos, Portugal. Those are my friends the Sullivans in the background! Waiting to see if I need any help. 😁
At a rest stop in Portugal. That’s our Tour bus in the background.
The Tower of Bethlehem, Lisbon, Portugal
David & Maureen celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary!
The view! Mijas, Spain (on the Costa del Sol)
Old Town, Valencia, Spain
Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain

4 responses

  1. Lynn Avatar

    Extraordinary journey filed with exciting new experiences nearly every hour! Glad you have your American extra service membership. Makes traveling a bit easier…except I notice it can’t help with time zones. jaja

    Cheers and welcome home, mi amiga!

    1. Ana Castellanos Avatar
      Ana Castellanos

      Amiga!! Yes, it was quite an adventure. I loved it!!!!


  2. Julia Avatar

    Loved the food shots! Looks like a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Ana Castellanos Avatar
      Ana Castellanos

      It was a great vacation! Leaving me “hungry” for more!! 😆
