Coming off Vacation

I was just on a 15 day European Vacation. It was amazing! Just great! I’ve written about it extensively in this Blog. So head on over, if you’ve missed it (in the TODAY section).

Today, I am going to discuss how I’ve tried to adjust to “normal” life once back from a life-altering vacation. I was gone a total of 17 days, including travel days (2) to/from Puerto Vallarta to Dallas. From Dallas I connected to Spain, I also returned through Dallas. Both coming and going, I stayed over one night. It was the best connection I could find, and just made sense.

If you travel quite a distance for your vacation, and cross a few time zones, you will most certainly be dealing with jet lag. Here’s a quick definition that I found online: Jet lag is a type of fatigue caused by travelling across different time zones. The body needs anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to acclimatize to the new time zone – approximately one day for each hour of time zone changes. (Thank you, Better Health Channel.)

Well, I can tell you this is very true. It’s been 10 days since I got back from Europe and I thought I was fully adjusted a couple of days ago, only to fall asleep on the couch yesterday at 7:00pm. This was most unfortunate as, at 4:00am this morning, I was wide awake. “This too shall pass”, so they say.

Some things were easier when I was working. You kept busy at work, interacted with people, challenges, issues, etc. You kept busy. Being retired, well, so what if I fall asleep at 7pm? I know. I know. No complaints here. While I was working, many of us would say, “I need a vacation after my vacation.” One needs time to “catch up” with responsibilities at home (ie: laundry, mail, errands) and certainly catching up at work (so many emails!).

So excited to come back to work after a week long vacation, said no one ever.
Tips for returning to work after vacation: 1) double check your alarm clock; 2) get to work a little early to catch-up on emails; 3) pretend you remember how to do your job.

Well, these issues aren’t really applicable to me. I’m retired. But as many of you know, I keep busy. I’ve got water aerobics class five times a week (Monday through Friday mornings). I’ve also got my English classes at the children’s shelter twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). And, let’s not forget volunteering at PetCo every Saturday. All activities I enjoy very much.

I had quite bit of laundry coming back from vacation. And I took it slow. Mostly, because my washer and dryer are small capacity. But nonetheless, I did one load a day. Getting back on track with banking needs (ATM? cash? bills?), grocery shopping, car details (wash? new tires? yes, i had been putting that off for a while) all had to be addressed.

But let’s get back to dreaming about still being on vacation. Yes, I had a bit of that. Could I have stayed longer? Yes, definitely. I see why retired people take long trips. Trips they perhaps have dreamt about or planned for a lifetime. I don’t know that I have ever had any of those trips on my mind – that I’ve planned or dreamt about forever. Returning to Spain was always on my wish list though. And I did just that recently. Would I go back? Yes, absolutely. There’s so much still left to see.

So, coming back from vacation, my head is filled with questions, curiosity, and wonder. Could Spain be a future home for Lola and I? Do I really see myself moving overseas? I don’t know, but I don’t rule it out. You will recall in another Blog I wrote about living the life of a nomad. That moving isn’t something that scares me rather it’s something that I embrace, each time I have moved. I like looking into/investigating the new location. Finding a new place to live. Meeting new people. It’s all an adventure.

So two weeks later, have I adjusted back to my life in Mexico? Yes, I have. Sleeping better now. And, back to my regular routine. Today, I spent the afternoon at the pool. It was a beautiful day. Very warm, sunny with blue skies. One of the things I love most about my retirement in Mexico: the sun, the pool, the tranquility. A good life, really. Very good. And I’m happy. I have made great friends. I have some great neighbors.

So, would I move overseas? It’s too soon to say. Spain really stayed with me though. Such a beautiful country. And as part of the European Union, the travel possibilities are numerous. I’m intrigued. I’m curious. I have a lot of think about, research and investigate over this next year. Where will I be living in 2026? Stay tuned…

In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures of my life today. That is a vacation from a vacation, no?

Bucerias Beach, Nayarit
The Community Pool at my

2 responses

  1. Lynn Avatar

    Welcome home, mi amiga.
    It’s hard to believe you were in Europe for only 15 days. You visited so many unique and interesting places.

    I can imagine it is quite an adjustment. after being on the go nearly every minute then poof, you change time zones are back to your regular domestic schedule.

    I’m sure Lola is delighted to snuggle next to you.

    1. Ana Avatar

      Thanks, Lynn. It’s good to be home, but honestly, I miss Spain. The travel schedule was grueling but exciting. The daily adventures were fun. But, as “they” say, there’s no place like home. And, yes, Miss Lola is very happy to have me at home to play with her and snuggle together. I’m reconnecting with my daily activities here and my amigas (like you). Now, I’m looking forward to my next adventure/trip! Stay tuned.
