
I got married and divorced in my 20’s. And then I was single for 30+ years. Sure, I had my boyfriends here and there. Sometimes a bit serious, but never “the one.” In my first marriage I was too young and my ex-husband never wanted to have kids. It worked for me, at the time. In my second marriage (in my 50’s,) I was past child-bearing years. I do not plan to speak of my two marriages in this Blog. So we’ll skip past that. Let’s talk about kids.

Yeah, those of you that know me well, are probably wondering where this Blog is going. I was never one of those women that wanted to be a single mother, by choice. I looked at having children as a gift from God and to be planned with a partner. Well, only God knows why I never had kids. A few female problems might have interfered with my ability to become pregnant. And for those 30+ years, I saw myself as being married to my career. I do not complain, nor do I regret.

This picture really sums up my life. It’s in jest, really. I never “forgot”, I was just never in a place in my life where I felt that having a child was possible. I was single, remember. I couldn’t imagine choosing to bring a child into the world while I was alone. I traveled a lot, and moved over 15 times.

Let me digress to pets. I always loved cats when I was younger, but never had any experience with one, really. When I was young, we had a family dog and a parakeet. But I never was close to either one. Back to those 30+ years of “singlehood” I finally adopted a cat when I was 47 or so. Prior to that, I didn’t even have house plants, it was just too much work. And, I wasn’t home much. Rico “the mean cat” came into my life and was my baby for almost 17 years. He moved with me to Mexico. Unfortunately, he passed away in October 2022 after a quick diagnosis of cancer and diabetes. It broke my heart. I adopted a second cat as a little sister to Rico. That was Frida back in 2011. They were never friends and only tolerated each other. I loved them both.

After spending some time in the Los Angeles area, I moved to Michigan in February 2014. Rico came with me and I left Frida with my mother, with the plan to come back for her (you can only fly with one pet in cabin). After only a few months, Frida and Mother became fast friends. On a couple visits back to Los Angeles, it became obvious that separating them was not going to happen. So to this day, Ms. Frida lives with her grandmother. She is super spoiled and they are very, very close.

On a vacation to the Dominican Republic, I adopted a stray kitty and named him Diego. He was playful and super friendly. He came home with me and adjusted to the life in the USA quite well. Rico never did get along with him either. After only 6.5 years, he also was diagnosed with cancer and passed away in 2018.


And now of course, there’s Lola. Adopted here in Mexico in July 2023. She is a friendly, playful and loving kitty. She’ll be a year old in May 2024. After Rico passed, I never thought I would adopt again. I started volunteering at a Pet Shelter last summer in Puerto Vallarta. I was assigned to “work” at Petco assisting with the cat adoptions. I continue to do that once a week to this day. I met her during one of the adoption days, and we fell in love. She has become quite the traveler, flying with me to Los Angeles, 3 times in the last 6 months.

After one of my many moves, I found myself in Dallas, Texas very busy with my career. But God works in mysterious ways they say, and I decided to visit my local Catholic Church after many years away from the Church. On that fateful Sunday, there was a Talent Fair where the Parish was looking for volunteers for their many ministries. The education table caught my eye. Me, a religion teacher? It was 1995 or 1996. Remember, I went to Catholic school just about all my life. Did I know enough to teach young children? The Church provided all of the teaching materials. So I made a commitment that would last many, many years. It was fulfilling and challenging at times. But I loved it!

I started out teaching Kindergarden the first year. I loved the little kids. They enjoyed singing, coloring and story time. Lots of stories in the bible, no? That same year, the Church was very short on teachers, so I was asked to help with the 7th grade Confirmation class, as well. That was to be my “calling” for a number of years.

In all, I was a “Sunday School teacher” for almost 20 years. Kindergarden, 7th, 8th and 9th graders preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation was where I spent many years. Yes, those are tough years for teenagers attending catechism class. I spent two years with 4th, 5th and 6th graders in the Miami area. This was the age where kids that didn’t attend Catholic School needed preparation for 1st Communion. I also loved that age. My last Catechism class brought me back full circle, where it all began in Dallas, Texas! I was one of two teachers in a 4th grade class. My first group was interrupted by Covid-19 and we were all sent home. 2021 was the last time I taught Sunday school.

Fast forward to this year, 2024. Through a local Facebook group, I found a Children’s Shelter in Bucerias, only 15 minutes from my home. They were looking for volunteers, so I decided to contact them. I read that they were looking for volunteers to help the children with math (not me!), computers (also not me), sewing (oh no!) and English (yes!!). I was asked to come in to see the facility and meet the Director. Well, that same afternoon, I was put to work.

These are all local children who arrive after school and participate in learning and fun activities as well as play time. They spend every afternoon, except Sunday, supervised by volunteers and paid staff. They are 5 to 15 years old. We have some supplies available to us, but the volunteer teachers must be creative in preparing lesson plans. The children, in my classes, speak very little English. I learned that English is not taught at their schools. So we are starting with the basics and meet for 2 hours, twice a week. I just love it!

I thought I would become a bilingual elementary school teacher when I was in College. But I found the hotel business, customer service and later human resources was my passion. I spent 35 years as a human resources professional but still found time to volunteer at my local churches over the years. It was my way to have children in my life and lend my experiences and hopefully influence to grow their faith. Today, what a wonderful way to use my teaching and English skills. The children are thrilled that I am bilingual and we very much enjoy our time together.

Children were always meant to be a part of my life. Just not in the conventional way, I suppose. I have skills to share and lots of love and care. I am happy to share that with children in my neighborhood and with the cats from the shelter. The best of both worlds. I am very fortunate.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

– Mother Theresa

6 responses

  1. Bridget Avatar

    Loved learning about your children- centered volunteer work!

    1. Ana Avatar

      Thanks, Ms. Bridget! I’ve always enjoyed volunteering! 🥰

  2. Adrian Lopez Avatar
    Adrian Lopez

    Muy bonito vistazo a tu relación con los niños y los gatos!

    1. Ana Avatar

      Gracias, primo! ❤️

  3. Julia Avatar

    You were meant to teach and guide and you did it for children and adults.

    1. Ana Avatar

      Yes, teaching has always been a passion of mine! 🥰