Age is Just a Number.

They say age is just a number. But is it? “They” also say, you’re only as.old as you feel. Or is it “you’re only as young as you feel”? Hmmmm

Lately, at times, I feel old. Perhaps because this last year has been difficult physically.. I’ve fallen or slipped a few times and honestly haven’t been myself since.. I am no longer “sure footed”. It’s been over a year since I stopped my 4-5 times a week walks. I loved those walks.. The pause started when I badly twisted my ankle in March 2023. Further compounded by a slip & fall at home in August that same year. Both injuries were devastating, painful and required trips to the emergency room. I went to Physical Therapy both times and the recovery was arduous.

To top things off, just when I thought I was safely on the road to a full recovery, I fell down a flight of stairs in my condominium building in February 2024! How I didn’t break something is unbelievable to me.. I am still recovering from a terrible hematoma on my lower leg and a sprained wrist on my right hand.. Surprise ! More physical therapy..

So, here I sit a few weeks from my 65th birthday, an important milestone in anyone’s life, and still struggling with getting back to 100%. I know staying active is important at any age.. Several months back, I started taking a water aerobics class. It’s a low impact exercise routine for sure, and I love it.. I’ve always enjoyed water aerobics, taking classes while on vacation at a beautiful resort pool..

I think water aerobics may have an “old lady” connotation.. And frankly the ladies in my class are all over 50. With the average age probably somewhere in the 60-63 range. We all enjoy the exercise and our instructor is really great (a man in his 50’s).

But let’s get back to age being just a number… I know most of us, when we were young, thought 30 was old. When I turned 30, I sure didn’t think I was old. For the last three decades (30’s, 40’s and 50’s) I don’t think I ever really looked my age. At least that’s what I was told over and over. So I believed it. (HA!) It was a good time in my life. I traveled a lot, I had great jobs. I took care of myself (health and appearance).

“40 is the new 20.”
“50 is the new 30”.
“60 is the new 40!”

The above graphics tell us what many believe. That as we get older, we are not necessarily aging like we used to years ago. We feel younger, we act younger, we are even perhaps healthier. All I know is what I have lived and how I have felt. I can definitely say that my 40’s were the best years of my life, up to this point anyway. I did feel young. I was single and living in the New York City area. At that time, although many do not know it, I dated younger men. Actually, mostly men in their 20’s. It was a great time.

In my 50’s I got married and divorced. Like I’ve mentioned before, I will not speak of my marriages (two). It’s just not something I want to share. What I will share is that in my 50’s I married a man in his 30’s. It didn’t last for a myriad of reasons. And I’m happier being single. I can’t imagine ever marrying again. And today, dating is off my radar. Simply not interested.

Ok, let’s get back to the title of this Post (Age is Just a Number). Now that I’m in my 60’s and turning 65 next month, do I feel like it’s the new 40? Well, compared to how my 40’s were, I can honestly say, NO. MY 60’s anyway are not the new 40. Sadly, for reasons stated above (physical ailments and other reasons), I do not feel younger. I actually feel my age, whatever that’s supposed to feel like. And I really don’t have people telling me anymore that I look lots younger or that I don’t look my age. Very sad for me. 🥲😂 But not a big deal. Goodness, I’ve had a great life, no complaints here. Well, other than I wish I was more steady on my feet. I’m hoping with continued exercise, that will improve.

So this week’s Post came about last week when I was getting my manicure. My nail technician is 22 years young. And we started sharing some stories and she told me about her grandmother. She is very proud of her grandma, who, she says, is still very young for her age. She told me her grandmother travels and still gets around alone very well. So, naturally, I asked her how old her grandma was. And this was the shocker for me. The turning point, if you will. She proceeds to tell me that her grandma is 65. Sixty-Five!! My age. My nail technician is old enough to be my granddaughter. 😯

So, is age just a number? Well, certainly in many ways, yes, yes it is. Maybe all of us when we become 60, we don’t look for the “new age”. What should we feel like? What should we act like? Can’t we simply “act our age?” We likely heard that a lot when we were younger, maybe as kids? But I think in our 60’s, we aren’t looking to be something else. Are we? In my mid-60’s which I am today, I am thankful for everything I have experienced. My age is something to be proud of. I retired at 60. Not everyone can do that. I relocated to Mexico when I was 62. I’m getting ready to take a European Tour at age 65. Not everyone can say that.

What will 70 look like for me? What will it feel like? Another milestone, and although I’m in no rush to get there 😁 I know that I’ll be proud of myself then, too. I hope to live a long life, like my parents have (both in their 90’s). I hope to be healthy and still traveling in 10 years. In 20 years, maybe I’ll be more settled. But who knows? I do know that I want to be healthy and in good shape physically.

Like the great Prince sang long ago:

“Act your age, not your shoe size.”

2 responses

  1. Lynn Avatar

    Ah, yes age is just a number and everyone on this planet has to deal with it. I like your goals. And as your neighbor, I admire your active life.

    Institutional memory is what I value most about wisdom of years. Valuable and often ignored. At the same time, I encourage folks to stay current with the times. I admit, not easy these days.

    1. Ana Castellanos Avatar
      Ana Castellanos

      Yes, thanks Lynn. Keeping mentally and physically active is important.
