
It’s always been one of my favorite things to say: Onward! In other words, keep moving ahead. No matter what. There is always something better waiting around the corner. It may take some time to get there, and I’m not suggesting it will always be easy.

“A body in motion tends to say in motion unless acted on by an outside force.” – Isaac Newton

I’m no Isaac Newton, nor do I pretend to understand the science behind it. But it does make sense, no?

I don’t always listen to my own advice. Does that resonate with you? I’ve had my share of pain (physical & emotional), setbacks, painful surgeries, difficult and challenging recoveries and heartaches. Haven’t we all? I’ve often spent time and energy on thinking and rethinking my decisions. And thereby getting “stuck” in a negative and self-loathing place. Whom does that serve? It just ends up in lost time and perhaps lost opportunities.

Life is not easy (regardless of what you may be told), and there is truth to the saying, “The best things in life, are the hardest to obtain.” I am responsible for me, for my actions or inactions, for my likes and dislikes, for my choices and decisions. I am now at an age where I can’t really be bothered by someone’s opinion of me, my decisions, my life’s direction. I’ve wasted enough time on those perceptions that people might have of me. Sure, at one point, in my professional career that might have been important. Making decisions that affect others was an important part of my job, and I took it seriously. Gaining other’s respect was important to my success. And I worked hard at it.

So, this is a short Blog today. Just some thoughts that occurred to me. I stay focused ONWARD. I speak up for myself and accept myself. Don’t stay quiet. Speak up! Be heard! You matter. You are beautiful.


4 responses

  1. Lynn Avatar

    I completely understand second guessing our past decisions.
    And I fully agree, now it’s best to shift our focus to Onward!
    Lovely and inspiring post.
    Cheers to onward and upwards!

    1. Ana Castellanos Avatar
      Ana Castellanos

      Onward, mi amiga!!❤️

  2. Bridget Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, Ana!

    1. Ana Avatar

      Thanks for reading, Ms. Bridget!